Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday thoughts.

a bit of Sunday happiness.

my babies are my happiness.

it's been a long week, or at least it feels that way.  i'm assuming this week was the same length as the last one, just feels longer somehow.
life is funny like that.
not so much funny 'ha ha', just funny.

my beautiful boy is still struggling pretty hard.

today is day 14 on his medication.
i really don't see a difference in his movements yet.  he's been battling a cold though, so it's been hard to decipher whether he's having side effects from the medicine, or symptoms from his cold.

his breathing has gotten worse towards the end of this week.
more suffocating episodes, more frequently.
again, it's hard to tell if they are coming on more because of his cold, or if his breathing in general is just deteriorating.

  i love him so incredibly much.

my sweet girl is doing well.
she was brave and got a flu shot even though she didn't want to.
when i told her it was to protect her brother, she said she'd do it 'for Connie'.
i love her.

we're hoping for a better, more comfortable week for my sweet boy.
we're always hoping.
we always have hope.
happy Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. I want to send you my Love, My heart aches for the struggle you go through. I see your son's face and I see my son's face. He passed away almost 1 year ago. He was undiagnosed with seizures they never were able to stop. I pray your heart feels lightened. I would love to send you a special gift. You can see my website and see if I am someone you can trust.
