Sunday, January 12, 2014

tender mercies.

i thought i would take a break from my 'week before photos' and do a simple Sunday post.

happy Sunday.

this week has been hard.
i just miss my sweet boy.

as i was sitting in church today, my lap, my arms, I just felt so empty without my beautiful boy.  and as i was listening to the talks given, i had a few thoughts.  i realized that whenever i was holding my sweet boy, or was near him----which was all the time----i felt such a peace and warmth and comfort because it was quite literally as if i was holding a piece of heaven.
my sweet boy was the closest thing to heaven i will ever feel or experience on this earth, in this life.  and i had it right there in my arms, on my lap, connected to me, physically, all the time.

and then it dawned on me, as i was sitting there, that i can still have that feeling.  i can still feel my sweet boy and feel that warmth and peace and comfort, i just can't feel it physically anymore.  i can't physically hold him on my lap or in my arms anymore to feel it, but i can still feel it.  it will take much more effort and diligence and faith on my part, but i can still feel all those things.

i know it will never compare to actually holding him in my arms.  i know there will always be that deep ache, that longing to just hold my sweet boy and kiss his little face.  but it is a comfort beyond measure to have the knowledge and assurance that i will be granted tender mercies from the Lord, that my beautiful boy will be with me in every sense but the physical.

this made me happy.

happy Sunday to you.


  1. This is just beautiful. Such comforting words.
    God Bless You

  2. You have a way of getting right to my soul. Thank you for sharing the things most precious to your heart and for teaching me how to be a better person. I love you and your family SOOOO much!
