Sunday, February 1, 2015

papa's birthday and other ramblings.

happy Sunday.
it's been a good day, a special day.
it's Papa's birthday today, and the best part is he's here with us to celebrate!
we love Papa.

my dad {my person} is the best.
so strong, so calming, so everything good.
i love it when he's here with us.
it makes me feel so much more grounded, safe, comforted.

i'm stressed, most days.
i'm lonely a lot.
i'm anxious and worried and fearful about most things.
i just am.

but i'm discovering that i have a ton of potential that i'm just now tapping into.
i'm embarking upon a whole new aspect of life, i'm experiencing things i never thought i would or would have to experience, for that matter.
it scares the crap out of me.

but i'm not turning around, i'm not running from any of it {some days i really want to turn and run}.
i'm feeling it out.
i'm working on letting the fear sink in and transform itself into something bigger, better....something new and good and less scary.

it's a work in progress.
i'm a work in progress.
i'm working on progressing.
i'm missing my beautiful boy.
my beautiful boy is missing from this new aspect of my life and that's hard.
i want him to be a part of it all, physically.
i want him with me.
i miss him.

i'm working on me.
myself---who am i?
i'm trying to find that out, trying to introduce me to myself with tenderness instead of criticism.
trying not to judge myself....who am i to judge anyway?
i'm working on it.

for today i'm trying to savor the moment and enjoy the love that is all around me.
there is so much love.

happy {Papa's Birthday} Sunday to all of you.

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