Monday, May 13, 2013

it's 92 degrees here today.
it's hot.
when it's hot, connor sweats.
i finally had to turn the air conditioning on.

last night it was really hot inside the house so we went outside to hang out and do homework with aubrey.

this is the beanbag chair my dad and Teresa made Connor for Christmas.
he's grown so much since then, apparently!
he's growing so much, but i can never tell because i'm with him all the time.
but pictures don't lie!

this chair works pretty well for him.......

if he doesn't start moving....
(which isn't really an option for him, unless he's sleeping)

eventually he ends up like this.

 or this.

and usually this.

he's so beautiful.

showing me his Superboy stance.


 we had a nice talk outside, my boy and me.
we talked and talked while we watched aubrey play with her friends after she did her homework.

he had a lot to tell me.

 he is a very wise boy.
i have so much to learn from him.
he doesn't ever speak a word, but he says so much.

he started to get super agitated so we decided it was time to go in for the night.
(eventually aubrey would come in too, but not until she absolutely had to....she loves being outside)

this is the cutest, saddest little sweet face i've ever seen in my life.

i love my children.
ahhh, so much!

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