Saturday, May 11, 2013

evening walks.

when the weather gets warmer and nice, aubrey, connor and i like to go on walks at night.
as long as there is no wind.
connor cannot handle the wind. 
at all.
if it blows in his face even a teeny bit he freaks out, stops breathing.

most evenings the wind is calm enough for us to go.
last night we went on a nice little walk and i had my camera with me so i took a few pictures.

my two favorite people in the whole world, ready for our walk/ride.

aubrey likes to ride ahead of us.

but she always stops at the corners and waits for us to catch up.

she collects her own little bouquets along the way...

here is what i get to look at....
i have the best view from where i'm standing

he was having a hard time last night.
i don't think he really enjoys the walks a whole lot, but he goes along because he knows Sissy loves them.
thanks for taking one for the team, buddy.

just some random pictures of a fence i liked.

there was a rather large poofy cat at the end of the fence....
he wasn't opposed to having his picture taken.

 aubrey decided to forgo the sidewalk and 'off road' it in some rough terrain.
it was a struggle but somehow she managed to make it through.

time to go home, this beautiful boy is all walked out.

at home, aubrey showed me her favorite flower(s) in our tulip garden.
i hadn't even noticed but these tulips' stems have grown together and then split at the top.

it our conjoined tulip.
i love it.

every year after all the other colored tulips wilt away, all the different purple ones stand on their own for a few weeks.
it's like they knew they were my favorite so they saved themselves for last.

aubrey took this picture.
she loves this one, too.

this is connor's favorite view.
he likes this tree in our front yard.
he likes to sit with me on the steps and look at the leafy treetops.

and this was my favorite thing about last night..
 the sky was so pretty.
i love the clouds and the blueness of the sky close to sunset.

i am grateful for walks with my sweet babies.

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