Saturday, December 14, 2013


i don't even know where to begin..
it's been such a rough week.

my beautiful boy started having trouble breathing again on Monday of this week.  the "blue episodes" started up again.
i took him in to his doctor on Thursday and discussed our options.
basically, the only options we have are to do nothing, or do a tracheotomy.
i know if i did nothing and just let things happen naturally, my sweet, beautiful boy would probably not live another week.
so we're going to do the tracheotomy.
it's scheduled for Tuesday, but i may have to take him in to the ER before then if his breathing gets worse.  it's really a moment to moment kind of decision.
this has been just awful, watching my sweet little boy suffer so much.  struggle so much.  just to breathe.  just to be.
i love him so incredibly much and this has been so terrifying, as a mother, watching my son inch closer to death each day.
i can count more than a handful of times where i thought this could be his last breath.
it is the absolute worse feeling i have ever felt.
so far.

i know a trach is something i never wanted for him, i know i didn't want it to get to this point, but it has.
and i know it's our only option, and that it will hopefully be a good thing for him.
i hope it will bring him relief and help him to be more comfortable. 
the doctors don't know how he'll respond since they don't know how his underlying brain issues will affect his lungs once the trach is in, but they do predict he'll have to be on a ventilator as well.  right away.  but maybe not.  and maybe only at night.  i just don't know.  they don't know.
they only thing i know is that i love my son.
and i am doing everything i can to try and help him.
i just wish i knew what the right decisions were.
i'm doing the best i can, yet it never feels like enough.
i love him so much.
so, so much.
he is so perfect.
please keep him in your prayers if you can.


  1. As a mother who guarded her child's ventilator with her own body, fought doctor after doctor against even the "idea" of a trach for three long months during a critical battle for my son's life in the PICU three years ago. I can tell you that BEFORE the trach is so much more terrifying than AFTER the trach. The learning curve is steep, and there will be days that you hate yourself for the decision to will be overwhelmed and exhausted. Trust me when I say it will not be long before you realize it was the best decision you could ever make. Our sons trach has given us the gift of more time with him, more smiles, quality of life, more cuddles, more memories to make, and more is indeed a second chance at life. Since being trached and vented fulltime our son has played baseball for the Miracle League, is attending kindergarten, has been to Disney, and we have shared many more birthdays and holidays together than we ever dreamed. I won't claim to say that the first few months post-trach are easy, such a dramatic change takes time to get used to...make peace with...learn about...but one day you will be able to realize that this trach that you hate so much right now, is the very thing that you will learn to love because it has given you more time with your son.

    For now, you can kick and scream and hate that trach with everything you have got...but remind yourself that you are human and it is okay to just feel whatever you need to feel to get you to the next place where you will begin to realize that you CAN do this.

    Anita Birk, founder - Mommies of Miracles

  2. I am so so so sorry. I can't imagine the emotions you are feeling right now. Just know that even though I have never officially met you, I love you and your sweet family and we are thinking about you all the time and are praying for Conner. You are an amazing mother. I don't know why we are given these trials, but you are Conners mom for a reason. You are doing a great job! I hope everything went well today with the trach. Thinking of you.
