Friday, June 14, 2013

sick little man.

oh, it's been a rough couple days here...
 my sweet boy has had a fever since wednesday.

it's not really going down much, even with tylenol and ibuprofen.
so we've been sporting the cold, wet washcloth this week.

he can pull off any look.

i feel so bad for my beautiful boy.
his little whimpers just kill me.

i'm still waiting to hear back from the pediatrician on whether or not she wants us to come in today to follow up.

he had x-rays done yesterday which showed chronic aspiration (that is always there), and a possible viral lung infection.
it's always hard to read his chest x-rays because of all the chronic stuff going on.
so they always add 'possible' to whatever conclusion they come to because it's really hard to tell if it's something new or not.

 i just hate seeing him so miserable.

i'm hoping his pediatrician will call soon to let me know what she's thinking.
it's hard not being able to make his pain go away.

he's such a strong little boy.

i love him so much.

we'll get through this, buddy.
mommy's got you.

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