Saturday, July 27, 2013

photos from our Illinois trip...

we've been back from Illinois for almost a week now, and i miss being 'home'.
it's hard, because i like here home (utah), but i also really miss my home (illinois).

and i miss my dad.
and mom, and friends.
and lightening bugs.

but at least i don't miss the humidity.
that's a huge plus for utah.

anyhoo, i have a bunch of pictures from our trip that i wanted to post so i don't forget.
so here they are.

these were from the Thank You BBQ we threw at my dad's house to thank everyone for supporting me and my sweet babies.....

 as you can see, my beautiful boy took this opportunity to get in his beauty rest...

one of my best friend's in the world Sam and her little cutie Kruz.

 love you Samuel!

another best friend, Katie-Lu.
 i love and miss my friends.

this pretty little girl belongs to my other friends....she's so adorable.

my dad and his wife teresa.
they know how to throw an awesome party:)

while i was home i got together with Megan, who was my best friend in 3rd grade....we hadn't seen each other since she moved away about 20 years ago!!
 she was exactly the same as i remembered:)
that's her in the middle, with her little girl.
and another of my best friends, Ashley, is on the right.

it was so fun reminiscing:)

my tiny superhero, just chilling at papa's house.

my brother's family came to stay at papa's too, the last week we were there.
his little girls are adorable, and aubrey had a blast playing all sorts of things with them.

here they were pretending that aubrey, ramona, and mika disappeared and these were some other girls who were searching for them...
luckily, they all came back safe and sound.

Papa and his Superboy.....
don't worry, papa's not asleep, he's just 'resting his eyes'.

one of the best things about being home this summer, by far, was getting to meet sweet little mabel....
 we went and saw her 3 times while we were there......
and i grew to love her so much more than you know.

she is so truly perfect.
so precious.

it's crazy to think i grew up just 30 minutes away from her mom, and we just now found each other.
i feel like we know each other so well.
kindred spirits.

just like connor and mabel.

they are so much alike.
both so beautiful.
so special.
so perfect.

 i'm pretty sure they were flirting with each other!

mabel is such a pretty little girl.
connor's a lucky guy:)

aubrey fell in love with her, too.

 she really wanted to hold her and play with her and love her before we had to leave.

aubrey also had a blast with mabel's brother and sister....
 they are such cute, amazing kids.

aubrey and nora became instant BFFs.

it really was so hard for me to say goodbye to mabel and her mom.

 mabel even grabbed ahold of connor's shirt....she was trying to make him stay!

 cutest friends ever.

this is my favorite picture of them.

i miss that sweet little girl every day.
it was so amazing to be able to get to know her and her mom.
 i really feel like people are put in your life at certain times, for certain reasons.
and i know mabel and her mom were put in mine to help me.
i haven't felt so instantly connected to anyone, ever.

i love them.

finally, some sweet sunset pictures, taken somewhere along the way Nebraska i think.

a pretty ending to a perfect summer vacation.....

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