Friday, November 8, 2013


today i took my beautiful boy to an appointment with a doctor we have never seen before, at the Movement Disorders Clinic with the University of Utah.  it is a clinic for adults, so she doesn't usually see pediatric patients.
i really liked her.

first off though, i have to say how impressed i am with aubrey.
she came with us to the appointment.  we were there for over 3 hours and she did not complain.
not even once.
i am so amazed all the time at the love and patience she has when it comes to her brother.
her little 'Connie'.

we had to wait for almost an hour while the doctor reviewed all of connor's history, and went over his most recent MRI.....
aubrey just settled in and made the best of it.

even practiced her one-legged coloring skills.

my sweet boy was equally as patient.....
just a little less enthused, it appears.
oh, on a side note:  i finally got a hold of his doctor today that prescribed his medicine....and we are taking him off of it, at last!  i think this is the best decision.  i'm just hoping his motility goes back to normal. (well, connor's 'normal', anyway)
so that was a small victory for today, we are going to taper him off of it, so i'm crossing my fingers (and toes) for improvement in the digestive department.
never thought i'd be so excited for the anticipation of poop!

so back to the appointment,
i really liked this doctor.
she was very thorough with trying to read up on all his background information and medical history and reviewing his MRIs and tests before she even came in the room.  she was extremely thorough in her examination and questioning of my beautiful boy.  she took her time with us and spent over an hour and a half just talking and questioning and examining my son.   she wasn't rushed or distracted or busy with something else.  she really took the time to care about my sweet boy.
we still don't have any answers.
we still don't have a diagnosis.
but this doctor is still willing to delve in and search.
she told me that she is going to dig in and research and go over all of his previous records and see if all the tests he's had done to rule things out, really should have ruled things out.
she's willing to try. 
and that's all that i want!
it's so refreshing to hear that someone wants to keep searching, with such energy as she seemed to have.
maybe it's just because she's new and fresh and hasn't seen him before.  maybe she'll be less 'gung ho' after all is said and done.
but i like that it feels like we're not just standing still, not just letting time (precious time) race right past us while i desperately want to do something, something!!
so even though we might be doing the same things we've already done or tried before, it's reassuring to me that at least we're doing something!!

i just like that i don't feel like the only one who wants to keep trying, for a change.
my son is so beautiful.
so worth every ounce of effort i have to give.
i will never stop giving my all.

1 comment:

  1. So happy to see you guys found a doctor willing to fight. I'll keep checking in...don't know you from Adam, but found your Sirens post and think of your little guy often. Rooting hard!
