Sunday, November 3, 2013


happy Sunday!

happy Snow-vember!
woke up to this little white surprise this morning.
aubrey was excited.
i was a little less excited, only because it makes it harder to go places because it's more difficult to get connor's wheelchair in and out of the van and to and from places in it.
but it's pretty:)
so that's nice.

we had a good day at church.

 aubrey picked out her outfit this morning and informed me that she looks much better when she doesn't match...
i didn't want to burst her bubble and tell her that she really sort of does match...
she looks cute to me, no matter what.

and silliness makes everything even cuter.
we're good at silly.

we let connor pick what to do in this picture.
he makes sleepy look so adorable.

he has been having such a hard time lately, especially at night (early morning).
this medication he's been on has just been awful for his tummy (poop) issues.
i think the medicine has not only constipated him, but also reduced the ability for his digestive muscles to push at all.  so he's not able to get anything out without extreme measures from me.
i've tried just about everything i know to help, but nothing seems to be working.

at about 3 a.m., he is up and awake because of his stomach pains, and does not go back to sleep for more than 10 minutes at a time.
so 3 a.m. is our new wake up time....and midnight is usually the bedtime.
so it's not great.

i'm going to call his dr. (the one that prescribed this new med) tomorrow and see if we can just take him off of it.
it hasn't helped his actual movements when he's awake, and just makes him extremely tired the rest of the time, and is slowing down whatever ability he has left to help with his digestion on his own.

so we'll see.
i just love him so much.

aubrey enjoyed making her first snow/leaf man after church today...
she was doing double duty by getting rid of the snow and the leaves at the same time:)
i knew i should have raked the back yard sometime last week...

 you can't really see the snow/leaf man because he's wearing his camo.

 aubrey let him borrow her hat so we could see him.

Happy Snow-vember Sunday to you.

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