Monday, February 3, 2014

the last day: photos from my sister's camera

 i have been reluctant to post these's been hard because after these i won't have any more 'new' ones of my sweet boy.
these are the last photos i have of my son.
i asked my sister if she could come to the hospital that morning, the last day of connor's life, and take pictures with her camera.  she was kind enough to come and do it.
she captured the very last moments i had with my beautiful boy.  those were very tender moments i will never forget, and that i wish could have lasted forever.  they were the most difficult, heart-breaking moments of my entire life....but at the same time they were also the sweetest, most amazingly spiritual ones i think i'll ever have.
i miss him so much.
so incredibly much.

i think i will let the pictures speak for themselves in this post......i feel like they say it all perfectly.



  1. These pictures are priceless... What sacred and tender memories...

  2. Thank you for sharing, I know it must have been so hard for you. You are amazing. These touched my heart.

  3. The love of family is so very special, and you are blessed. Thank you so much for sharing these priceless, precious pictures. I can feel the love and tenderness along with the pain. Prayers continue for your family. I know how much Perry is missing him, as much as we miss our grandson, Nathan. I can't begin to know the pain in your heart. Peace and love to all of you.

  4. How precious these are.... what a gift, I'm sure you'll treasure these always.

  5. Such precious moments....such a perfect beautiful boy!
