Thursday, April 11, 2013

hanging in there.

today i went in to get connor at school and found him like this...
ya know, just hanging around.

 i love how many neat things there are for him to experience at school.
he likes to swing!

his body really seems to relax when he's swinging, for a little while anyway:)

i gave him a push and his little feet started kicking, almost like he was trying to pump.  
he must know more about swinging than i thought.

 my sweet beautiful boy, just dangling from the ceiling.

see mom, i'm hanging in there...

i know you are, buddy.


  1. Hi, you don't know me. I saw your blog from Rushell's fb page. Your kids are beautiful! Our son is also with out a diagnosis, some kind of SMA.
    Sending love!

    1. thank you!! i appreciate the support. i'd love to learn more about your son:) thanks for the kind words.
