Friday, May 3, 2013

i had been waiting all morning for a phone call about connor's EKG results, but it never came.
so i just called in to the Dr. to ask if they had been read yet.
i spoke to a nurse and she read me the results.
i was honestly expecting them to be normal, fine, ok.
he has never had any issues with his heart before.

it didn't come back completely normal.
i don't want to say too much about it because i really don't know enough yet.
she was sending an email to the Dr. to call me and discuss it.
it could be nothing, the results listed a possible problem with his right ventricle.
so i don't really know what that means yet.
the Dr. will be calling either today or most likely early next week.

so i don't know if i can schedule his surgery yet or not.
i don't know if there is a problem with his heart or not.
i don't know if it's just the way the nurse was reading the results or not.
i don't know much of anything really.

i just know that i wasn't really expecting these results to be anything but normal, just because he's never had any issues with his heart before.

and i know that i just love him.

and i'm trying not to worry too much about it until i speak with the Dr. and know more information about it.

just a little caught off guard today, that's all.

hopefully i'll know more soon.
he's so beautiful.

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