Thursday, May 2, 2013

connor's appointment...

just got back from the hospital from our doctor's appointment......
so where do i start?........
they did a scope, sticking a little camera down his nose into his throat to look and see what's going on.
the scope showed many different issues, mostly what i was expecting.
his muscles are floppy, his voice box is the main culprit---it's really moving into his airway when he breathes.  there's also other muscles that are getting in the way.  
and his tongue.
  his tongue is really moving back into his throat and closing out the airway.

there are a couple of surgeries that can be done, one being a major one. 
(the major one would involve shaving off and removing about a third of his tongue, and can only be done once)
 so we are going to the the minor one first, to see if it can buy some time like his last one did.
it will just involve trimming and lasering  and sculpting the different muscles in his throat.
but first the doctor was worried about his heart because of the 'episodes' he's been having so we had an EKG done.  we'll know the results of it tomorrow and if it's ok then i'll call and schedule the surgery we're going to do.

my sweet boy did great.
he was tired, didn't even really notice them sticking a camera down his nose because he's so used to being suctioned.

i'm just hoping this surgery will be able to make him comfortable, for a little while at least.
his doctor doesn't know how often we'll be able to keep doing this, we'll just have to outweigh the benefits and risks. 
with his decreasing muscle tone it might not help for very long, but we'll take what we can get i guess.

i just love my beautiful boy.
i hope his EKG turns out alright.
i love his sweet little heart to pieces.

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