Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Kindergarten boy.

today was a big day.
first day of Kindergarten for my beautiful boy.

i woke him up to get him ready for his big Kindergarten debut...

i had a freshly cleaned onesie all picked out and ready to go:)
but first i had to lotion him up so he smelled nice and fresh.
(didn't want him to be the smelly kid in class the very first day)

Mr. Handsome:  the Kindergarten edition..

oh, i was nervous.

nervous to drop him off, nervous to let him go.

 i tried giving him a little pep-talk, telling him it was going to be ok, everything would be alright...
but he was sort of sleeping, so it really just ended up being a pep-talk for myself.

i needed it.

time to load up, get in the van and head to school!
he finally woke up enough for me to tell him where we were going...
time for school, buddy!
first day of Kindergarten!

wait, what???

ohhh, but mommmmm.....i don't wanna go to school!!
i know, buddy, mommy's having a hard time with it too....:(

we've arrived at our Kindergarten destination!
one last big hug and kiss before we go in.

when we got to the classroom they were still getting the other kids ready so connor and i snuck out and went down to the preschool classroom to visit his old teachers.
we've missed them so much!!!
i seriously contemplated hiding out in their class and boycotting the whole Kindergarten thing altogether....
but,  i decided i should at least give it a try.
so we went back to connor's new class.

 we met all his new teacher's aides.
they all seem really nice.
i tried to explain my sweet boy to them as best i could.
and then i stayed. 
there were a few other parents there too, so i didn't feel too overprotective...
but then they left.
and i still stayed.

i got to sit next to my sweet boy in the opening circle time.

 and i had time to talk with all the teacher's helpers, trying to help them get a feel for my beautiful boy.
i got to see how cute all his new classmates are.
there were 2 pretty little girls, and 2 super-cute boys.
and there were 3 no shows.
maybe they were boycotting Kindergarten this year:)

and then he fell asleep.
his teacher kept coming over to talk to him and he would just slowly close his eyes....
(a little rude of him, don't you think?)
but he was pretty peaceful looking so i decided i would leave to go fill his prescription.
even though he was calm and asleep it was still hard to walk out that door and leave him there!

i rushed and went to the store, worrying about him the whole time.
i was only gone for about 25 minutes, and was sure he was going to be in some sort of dire distress when i came back.
but, here is how i found him when i walked back in the door.....
 oh, my sweet sleeping boy.
i guess i need to have the talk with him about sleeping during class....

or maybe not.
i have to admit i was a little relieved to see him still asleep, still peaceful, still safe.

we'll work on the whole 'staying awake to learn stuff' later.
and i realize i have a lot of work to do on the whole 'not being a worried mess' thing, too.
it will be a year of learning and growing for the both of us.

i'm so proud of my Kindergarten boy.
he's so beautiful.