Wednesday, April 3, 2013

still feeling pretty crappy today.  but i didn't want to ruin aubrey's spring break so i took her and connor to Wheeler Farm this afternoon.  i had never been there, but have heard it's really neat.  
plus, i still can't tell if i have a cold or allergies.  so i thought, hey, why not go to a farm where there's lots of hay, animals, grass and trees!  
take that, could-be allergies.
 it's such a beautiful historic farm!
everything was so picturesque and perfect.
 it's a real working farm so they have all kinds of animals.
 we started with the geese.
aubrey loved the cows.  i wasn't too sad about not being able to breathe through my nose right about now......phew!

i think connor was feeling pretty much the same way as me....

safe to say she loves the sheep, too.

i think aubrey was secretly destined to be a farm girl.  she loves everything about it.

and then there were the horses...
aubrey loves horses.

 she spent the most time here, and would've stayed all day if i let her.
 she's so gentle with them and not afraid of them at all.
connor tried to see them, but the sun was pretty bright.
plus, he's still not feeling very well, just like mommy.

next, up------turkey lurkey!

he was a beast.  

chicken coop.

 duck pond.
aubrey found some bread to throw to the ducks.
this duck was deranged.  he was making the loudest, most annoying high-pitched 'honk' i've ever heard.

perhaps it's because of the large tumor on his face?  never seen anything like it.

pretty bridge.  the land goes on and on.  it's so pretty there!
my beautiful boy.

 there's so many great places to take cute pictures.  i'm sure this place is a photographer's dream!
i love this one.

cute little playhouse. 

she sweeps!

she's my favorite girl in the whole wide world.

i packed a little picnic lunch for her and let her play on the playground for a while before we left.

 connor and i sat and admired the pretty blue skies....

one last visit to the sheep on the way out.  we had to say baa--baa (bye bye) 

i took these last pictures on our way out to the van.

something about these trees i just loved.

so despite feeling not so great, all in all it was a gorgeous day.

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