Saturday, January 5, 2013

most of my life i have felt inadequate.  about pretty much everything.  that's the best word i can think of to describe how i felt (and feel) in almost every situation....from when i was younger until now.  about the way i look,  talking to people, relationships, making friends, etc.   it has become a pretty normal feeling, not a particularly great one, but familiar.   so last night when i was holding connor in my arms, cuddling with him (as much as he will cuddle since he's always moving and whacking me :) i realized that i felt a different kind of feeling that wasn't the same familiar one......i realized that i felt adequate.  and i realized that i feel that feeling whenever i'm holding my beautiful boy, or whenever aubrey draws me a sweet picture or she giggles at something i say.  at those times i feel adequate.  and it feels pretty darn good.  :)


  1. I hate that you feel inadequate because I have always seen you in such a different light...... BUT kids sure do that, they give life meaning in a way that is so indescribable. I am so glad that you have found adequacy. LOVE ya!

  2. It's that little blue flame in you Crissy, always burning and always will and now you're passing it onto your beautiful kids. What an amazing gift to inherit :). You are amazing and SUCH an incredible mom, I love you dearly!!! Rena...

    1. awww, rena! how i miss you! you helped me get that blue flame going so many years ago.....i love you so much. xoxo
