Sunday, January 27, 2013

 happy Sunday everyone!

it has been a happy one, indeed. we went to church and today was  a missionary farewell. aubrey drew a picture for the young man that is leaving so she was excited to give it to him, he has always made her feel very special:)

then when we got home, look what showed up at my doorstep!
a guy from church knows how to make balloon animals so he learned to do a penguin for me after reading something i had mentioned on facebook about a penguin showing up on my doorstep.  awesome, right??  maybe i should take a moment now to mention that i often think about Eddie Vedder showing up on my doorstep.........just throwing it out there;)
he also made aubrey a fairy ballerina and ironman for connor.  this made aubrey's day!

we also had a visit from our home teachers, two of our very favorite people.  and then another wonderful friend brought us dinner.  we are SO BLESSED!!!!!!!!!  the kindness that has been shown to me and my two babies lately has been so incredible that i am truly humbled over and over.  i don't think i've ever met so many nice people willing to do so many nice things for us.  i feel so lucky and truly truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.  i wish i could reciprocate all the love and kindness shown to me. i always feel like i don't do enough for others, or at least do enough to show how grateful i am.  i wish i could do a million good deeds a day for everyone i come across.  i always feel like i need to do more, i want to do more.  i want to be able to make others feel as loved as they have made me feel.  i'm so thankful for it all.  WE ARE BLESSED!


  1. Reading your blog/facebook everyday always makes me smile or feel uplifted in some way. So, you can count that as at least one act of service you perform everyday (and I'm willing to bet there are more people that feel the same way). You do more than you realize.

    1. thank you for saying that. i appreciate you more than you know:) xoxo

  2. I guess my first message did not go through. Sorry. Such a beautiful blog. My husband found your site while trying to research glycerin in bulk. Thank you for sharing your story.
