Thursday, February 14, 2013

 happy heart day!!
 i am learning more and more about love everyday.  love is so many things.
 it is a bond between a brother and sister.
 it is a Forever Friendship with my 6 year old.
it is that sweet way my son raises his eyebrow when i touch his head <3
 it's sweet kisses from an adoring Sissy.
 or from Mommy and Sissy at the same time :)
 it's the fierce love of a mother for her special boy.
love is felt even in the tips of our noses.
sometimes it's even found in our hair...
 love is quiet.  it sleeps.

 love can be oh so silly!
it is found in every smile, every laugh, every funny face.

love is being together.
 i can snuggle love in my arms.
 love holds me together, when it would be so much easier to fall apart.
 i embrace love.  it embraces me.
love is all encompassing.  
everyday i am learning to love more.


  1. What a beautiful post! Crissy, you are an amazing mother. I am inspired by you with each post that I read, but this one brought tears to my eyes... You could go to snapfish (or a website like it) and make a book of this. I think it would be cherished always!

    1. thank you! that's a great idea, i just made my dad a book for his bday. <3

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