Thursday, February 7, 2013

tonight i am overwhelmed with emotions.........i just found out that one of my friends from high school set up a donation fund for my beautiful boy a week ago, and i was told about it just hours ago.   i have no words to describe the way i felt when i saw the page she had set up......i have never been in so much shock and utter amazement.  it's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me.  ever.  i am still in shock.  i don't feel like i deserve this!  i honestly don't know how to take this all in. 

for most of my life, for one reason or another i have felt pretty unlovable.  i've had a lot of dark days and have really struggled with my feelings of self-worth.  to realize that this many people care about me and my sweet babies is such an overwhelming feel this much love is such an awe inspiring feeling that i could never put into words.  i want to be able to express my gratitude, to express all these feelings that are just bursting in my heart, but i am at a loss for words.   THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

thank you so incredibly much to everyone who has been so gracious to me and my beautiful boy.  you have no idea how much this will help, how much i appreciate this amazing thing you all did.  i have never been so humbled in my entire life.  this money will be put to good use, connor's medical bills will become less of a burden, and that just frees my soul a little bit!!  

i can only hope that one day i will be able to pay it forward and make all of you feel even a tiny portion of the love i have felt tonight.  you all are my heroes.  you all keep me lifted up when it would be so easy to fall.  you all amaze me, and have truly touched my soul.  i am forever grateful for each and every one of you.  and i know connor can feel your love as well.  so for him, i say thank you.  from the very deepest part of our hearts.  thank you!

1 comment:

  1. You deserve all the good things you receive in life!! We all have low days...what matters is that you get up the next morning!!
